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  1. Domov
  2. STN EN 16167+AC

STN EN 16167+AC


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Pridať do košíka
Označenie: STN EN 16167+AC
Platnosť: Zrušená
Počet strán: 40
Listinná verzia: 18,90€
Elektronická verzia: a) Bez možnosti tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov: 17,01€
b) Bez možnosti tlače, s prenosom textu a obrázkov: 18,90€
c) S možnosťou tlače, prenosu textu a obrázkov: 24,57€
Slovenský názov: Pôda, upravené bioodpady a kaly. Stanovenie polychlórovaných bifenylov (PCB) plynovou chromatografiou s hmotnostnou detekciou (GC-MS) a plynovou chromatografiou s detekciou elektrónovým záchytom (GC-ECD)
Anglický názov: Soil, treated biowaste and sludge - Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) by gas chromatography with mass selective detection (GC-MS) and gas chromatography with electron-capture detection (GC-ECD)
Dátum vydania: 01. 07. 2019
Dátum zrušenia: 01. 12. 2020
ICS: 13.030.01, 13.080.10
Triediaci znak: 83 8464
Úroveň zapracovania: idt EN 16167:2018+AC:2019
Vestník: 06/19
Nahradzujúce normy: STN EN 17322:2020-12 (83 8265)
Nahradené normy: STN EN 16167:2019-03 (83 8464)
Poznámka vo Vestníku:
Predmet normy: This draft European Standard specifies a method for quantitative determination of seven selected polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB28, PCB52, PCB101, PCB118, PCB138, PCB153 and PCB180) in sludge, treated biowaste and soil using GC-MS and GC-ECD (see Table 2). The limit of detection depends on the determinants, the equipment used, the quality of chemicals used for the extraction of the sample and the clean-up of the extract. Under the conditions specified in this European Standard, limit of application of 1 µg/kg (expressed as dry matter) can be achieved. Sludge and treated biowaste may differ in properties and also in the expected contamination levels of PCBs and presence of interfering substances. These differences make it impossible to describe one general procedure. This European Standard contains decision tables based on the properties of the sample and the extraction and clean-up procedure to be used.